If you’re like most homeowners, the crawl space under your house might be a bit of a mystery. It’s that dark, dusty area where things are often forgotten, right? Well, it’s time to shed some light on this neglected space and learn the best practices for keeping it clean and safe. Trust me, it’s not as daunting as it sounds!

This guide will share some best practices and safety precautions to help you tackle that crawl space mess with confidence. We’ll cover everything from what to wear to what to avoid, so let’s get started and give your crawl space the attention it deserves!

Wear Proper Protection

Before you take on any cleaning project in your crawl space, it’s important to gear up with the right protection. Here are a few essential items you should have on hand to ensure your safety:

  • Wear long-sleeved coveralls or old clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
  • Invest in a sturdy pair of gloves, preferably made of a thick material like rubber or leather, to protect your hands from sharp objects, potential mold, or other harmful substances you might encounter.
  • Wear a respirator or dust mask to safeguard your respiratory system and avoid inhaling dust particles, mold spores, or other allergens floating around.
  • Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from dust, debris, or any potential flying objects. This simple precaution can prevent eye injuries and ensure clear vision while working.
  • Get boots or closed-toe shoes with non-slip soles to protect your feet from uneven surfaces, sharp objects, or pests.
  • Invest in a pair of knee or kneeling pads to provide extra cushion and support when reaching into tight spaces.

Crawl spaces can often contain a multitude of hazards, from sharp objects to exposed electrical wires. So take extra care to inspect the area before you begin cleaning. If you notice any signs of damage or potential safety risks, consider calling an expert before continuing.

Be Wary of Structural Issues

Inspect all corners and crevices of your crawl space and look for any signs of structural damage. These spaces are especially vulnerable to water damage due to their lack of ventilation and exposure to the elements, pests, and other debris.

Be sure to check for warped or rotted wood, wall cracks, sagging floors, wet insulation, and mold growth. If you find any problems, contact a certified professional to assess the situation and make any necessary repairs before continuing your cleaning process.

Avoiding Contaminants in Enclosed Areas

As an enclosed area, your crawl space can accumulate concentrated dust particles, mold spores, and other contaminants over time that can affect your health if inhaled or ingested. Some of these contaminants may lead to eye irritation, respiratory issues, and even skin rashes.

To avoid any potential issues, be sure to wear a dust mask, protective goggles, and gloves when cleaning the area. These protective items will help to shield your lungs and skin from any inhaled particles.

Protect Yourself From Insects and Spiders

Insects and pests such as ants, spiders, and termites can often find their way into crawl spaces, looking for a safe and warm place to nest. This includes the Brown Recluse Spider, a venomous creature commonly found in Tennessee.

Be sure to inspect the area for any signs of these pests before cleaning, as they can be dangerous if disturbed. Some signs to look out for include:

  • Cobwebs in corners, along beams, or around vents and pipes.
  • Insect droppings, often resembling small pellets or specks.
  • Holes or tunnels often built by burrowing insects.
  • Dead insects, such as ants, termites, or beetles.
  • Some insects, like wasps, ants, or spiders, build nests or lay egg sacs in the crawl space’s nooks, crannies, or hidden areas.
  • Damage to wooden structures often indicates a termite infestation.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take appropriate action to address the issue. While some insects and spiders are harmless, others can cause damage to your home or pose health risks.

Call a Professional to Inspect Your Crawl Space

Crawl spaces are often dangerous, dark, and dirty, making them quite difficult to access safely. If you’re unsure how to inspect or clean your crawl space, it’s best to call a professional for help.

Call us today at Crawlspace Doctor, and we’ll be happy to come out and assess the situation. We have all the necessary tools and safety equipment to thoroughly inspect your crawl space for any potential issues. From repairing and transforming your damp, moldy, and dirty crawl space to insect or rodent prevention, we have the experience and know-how to ensure your home stays safe and healthy.

If you’re in the southern states of Indiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Alabama, call us today; our certified team of experts will be more than happy to help.